Invited Experts & Observers.


Expert Affiliation (s) Areas of Expertise
Armelle Baeza-Squiban, Ph.D. Professor, Functional & Adaptive Biology, Paris Diderot, University Nanotechnology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry
Dirk Dahmann, Ph.D. (Former) Director, Institute for the Research on Hazardous Substances (IGF) of BGRCI, Germany Dust Exposure in Workplace Air, Determination of dust (inhalable, alveolar, nanoparticles) exposure concentrations
Rodger Duffin, PhD, MRC Path, FRSB Reader in Respiratory Medicine, University of Edinburgh Thoracic and Particle Toxicology; Nanotechnology; Inhalation Toxicology, Inflammation
Tom Gebel, Prof. Dr. Unit Toxicology Head, German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Toxicology
Helmut Greim, M.D. Professor Emeritus, Toxicology, Technical University Munich General and Inhalation Toxicology, Regulatory Toxicology
Uwe Heinrich, Dr. rer.nat; Dr.rer.biol.habil. – Professor Emeritus, Toxicology and Aerosol Research, Medizinische Hochschule, Hannover
– Former Director, Fraunhofer Inst. Toxicology and Exp Med
– Fellow Academy of Toxicological Sciences
Inhalation Toxicology, Regulatory Toxicology, Toxicology of Particles, Fibers and Metals
Wolfgang G. Kreyling, Dr. rer. Nat. Retired Researcher & External Scientific Advisor of Institute of Epidemiology, Helmholtz Center Munich – German Research Center for Environmental Health Inhalation + lung deposition of aerosol particles, Biokinetics of inhaled particles, Biophysics of lung-particle interactions
Robert Landsiedel, Dr. rer. nat. habil. – BASF SE. Experimental Toxicology and Ecology, Vice President
– Free University of Berlin, Privatdozent
– German Society of Toxicology, Vice President
– SCOEL, full member
Biokinetics, Inhalation Toxicology, In Vitro Toxicology
Len Levy, Ph.D. – Emeritus Professor, Cranfield University
Occupational Toxicology, Metal Toxicology, Occupational Cancer, Chemical Risk Assessment
Dominique Lison, M.D. Ph.D. Professor Toxicology, Louvain Centre for Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology (LTAP) General Toxicology, Particle Toxicology, Metals Toxicology
Fred J. Miller., Ph.D.
Fellow, Acad. Toxicol. Sciences
– Fred J. Miller and Associates LLC
– Duke University, Pulmonary Division; Division Director,   -Former US EPA
Inhalation toxicology, Dosimetry, Extrapolation Modeling, Risk Assessment
Günter Oberdörster, Prof Professor Emeritus, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Departments of Environmental Medicine  Inhalation Toxicology of Fibrous and Nonfibrous Particles, Dosimetry, Biokinetics, Extrapolation Modeling
Lang Tran, Ph.D. Professor Institute of Occupational Medicine, Edinburgh, UK  Inhalation Toxicology, Mathematical Modeling
David B Warheit, Ph.D. Warheit Scientific LLC  Particle Toxicology, Nanotoxicology and Pulmonary toxicology
Mei Yong, Dr rer. Medic.habil. – Reader of Epidemiology, University of Mainz                              – Head of Institute of Occupational Epidemiology & Risk Assessment, Evonik Technology & Infrastructure  Epidemiology, Occupational Medicine, Statistics
Flemming R. Cassee, PhD, Prof.Dr – Professor in Inhalation Toxicology at Institute of Risk Assessment Studies- Utrecht University, Utrecht, NL
– Senior Scientific advisor at National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven NL
Particle toxicology, inhalation toxicology, particle dosimetry


Expert Affiliation(s) Areas of Expertise
Damjana Drobne – University of Ljubljana , Biotechnical Faculty (SL)
– National representative/ member of ad hoc CARACAL sub-group on ATPs to CLP classification of Tio2 and mixtures.
Experimental Toxicology, Nanotoxicology , Standardization, Nanomaterials
Craig Boreiko – Consultant Toxicologist, CJD Risk Analysis LLC
– Consultant to Antimony Association
Genetic Toxicology, Experimental Oncology;, Metal/metalloid human health effects
Fiona Murphy – Herriot Watt University- Edinburgh (UK), PhD
– Member of the EU GRACIOUS Consortium
Nanomaterials, classification, grouping
Annie Jarabek – Senior science advisor, Office of Research and Development I U.S. EPA
– National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA)
Risk Assessment, Dosimetry,Extrapolation Modelling, Inhalation Toxicology
Terry Gordon – New York University, School of Medicine
– ACGIH TLV Committee
Inhalation Toxicology, Risk Assessment, Ambient PM
Klaus Kamps – Unifrax (Director – Risk Management & Regulatory Affairs)
– President of ECFIA
– Chair of Eurometaux REACH working group
EU Regulation, Occupational Hygiene & Risk Management, Product Stewardship
Roger Battersby – Scientific director at EBRC Consulting Regulatory Toxicology, Toxicokinetics, Nanomaterials
Frank Luetzenkirchen – Quarzwerke GmbH, Frechen, Germany (DE)
– IMA-Europe: Chairman IMA Technical Board
REACH-workers protection, product classification, exposure and risk assessment, epidemiology
Robert McCunney – Harvard Medical School, MD, PhD
– Consultant to International Carbon Black Association
Occupational toxicology, epidemiology, risk assessment
David Lockley – Product Defence and Toxicology Manager, Venator Corp
– Chair of Scientific Committee and CLH TF, TDMA
Toxicology, Classification, Risk Assessment
Yufanyi Ngiewih – Manager Chemicals Regulation and Toxicology, Orion   Engineered Carbons Regulatory Toxicology, EU Chemical Regulation, Nanomaterials, Classification
Sue Hubbard – Consultant Regulatory Toxicologist SahCo Ltd (UK)
– Member of Iron Platform
Toxicology, Classification, Risk Assessment
Andrew Smith – Health & Safety Executive (UK),
– Chemicals Regulation Division , Team leader: REACH-CLP-PIC
– Member of ECHA’s Risk Assessment Committee
Toxicology, Regulation, classification
Tim Bowmer – European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), Helsinki (FI)
– Chairman of the Committee for Risk Assessment
Regulatory processes: harmonised classification, restriction, authorisation and occupational exposure limits, Environmental science
Ari Karjalainen – European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), Unit C1 – Hazard I Toxicology, Regulation, classification


Expert Affiliation (s) Areas of Expertise
Paul J.A. Borm, Ph.D. – Professor, Toxicology, University of Dusseldorf
– Founder/clinical director, Nano4Imaging
Inhalation Toxicology; Nanotechnology; risk assessment, Medical device regulation, Start-up support
Kevin E. Driscoll, Ph.D. – Adj Professor, Rutgers University, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
– (Former) Director, Global Healthcare R&D, Procter & Gamble Company
Inhalation Toxicology; Product Safety, Risk Assessment

Academic and industrial sponsors

Conference organizers & Moderators

Paul J.A. Borm & Kevin E. Driscoll

Confererence secretariat (local)

Sonia Rafferty, PA to dr Rodger Duffin
Tel: +44 (0)131 242 6582

Local organizing committee:

Dr Rodger Duffin
Centre of Inflammation research, QMRC-UoE
Dr Craig Poland

Centre of Inflammation research, QMRC-UoE
Dr Lang Tran

IOM, Edinburgh

Organizing and Planning Committee:

Dr Rodger Duffin, dr Lang Tran
Dr Len Levy (Cranfield University)
Dr Thomas Gebel (BaUA)
Dr Kevin E. Driscoll (Rutgers University, NY)
Prof. dr. Paul J.A. Borm ( Nanoconsult)