The story goes on

It is hard to imagine but the classification of TiO2 which was anticipated to occur last month by a "Delegated Act" was not accepted (yet) by the EU parliament. Member states are again invited to submit their views.  Read summary by Martin Engelmann :

By |2021-12-23T13:13:28+01:0015 November 2019|news|

PSLT consensus report available

The expert report on the outcomes of the PSLT workshop in Edinburgh has been submitted to Inhalation Toxicology. We have decided to split the paper into two parts, i,e, 1) the consensus opinion of the experts as condensed during the workshop, and 2) our personal interpretation as moderators and experts in [...]

By |2021-12-23T13:13:33+01:004 November 2019|news|
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